Sunday, January 22, 2012

Homemade Laundry Soap

Ahhhhh, finally!  The long awaited laundry soap post!

I have been wanting to try making my own laundry soap for years, but every recipe I found was really quite intimidating and I didn't want to have to try to mix up a 5 gallon bucket of the stuff and then have to store it.  Did you like that wonderful, long run on sentence I gave you there?  Anyway, it never occurred to me that I could cut the recipe down so I never tried.

Recently, in my money saving quest, I started looking for laundry soap recipes again.  Originally I found this one for a powdered soap.  I loved this recipe because it didn't require me to use a 5 gallon bucket and it didn't require mixing it using a stick mixer to try to blend it well.  I was planning to go ahead and make it when I found this recipe for liquid soap.  In reading the tutorial it mentioned that the powdered version is not good for cold water washing because it won't dissolve without heat.  Since I only wash in cold water, unless there are gross germy things involved, I figured I would have to go with a liquid version.  The recipe was for 2 gallons of soap and I thought I could surely cut the recipe in half and fill my 1 gallon  Hawaiian Punch container with some wonderful homemade laundry soap.

So here is what I did:


1/2 bar soap- most people prefer Fels Naptha but I used Zote because it was cheaper
1/2 cup of Borax
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup baking soda


  • Grate the bar soap into a medium sized cooking pot
  • add 4 cups of hot water and bring the mixture to a slow boil, stirring frequently until the soap is dissolved
  • add the borax, washing soda, and baking soda stirring well until they have dissolved
  • bring it back to a boil then remove from the heat
  • let it cool slightly
  • add water to gallon container until it is about half full
  • slowly add the soap mixture
  • add more water until it is a few inches from the top
  • close the container and shake well

This mixture will thicken a lot and that is OK.  Use 1/2 cup of the mixture per load of laundry.  I attached a 1/2 cup measure to the bottle using a metal ring that opens easily so it will not become lost.

So far I have been very impressed by the cleaning power of the laundry soap and it does a great job of stain removal on its own.

It cost me about $9 to purchase the ingredients to make the soap and I have enough to make many, many more batches.


  1. Great how much did you spend in laundry a month? just the detergent?

  2. probably about $10 a month- I didn't buy name brand

  3. Did you know that you can make your own Purex crystals fabric softener as well? I have the ingredients at my house somewhere. But even cheaper is just plain white vinegar. It will soften your clothes, clean the residue from your washer and remove odors from your clothes. It is safe for HE washers as well just put it in your fabric softener dispenser. Now you don't need to buy washing machine cleaner, fabric softener or an odor remover. :) $$$ in your pocket!

  4. this 1 gallon lasted us just over a month for 8 people. I just used the last of it today.
